Saturday, December 20, 2008

Down from the Gumba

We left the Gumba yesterday, that would be Betty and I, came down to Kathmandu, checked into our hotel and then returned to the Ani for a picnic lunch with all the nuns. We had momo on the grass. That would be dim sum any place else. We put on music, tried for American music to have the Ani dance to that...but...that didn't work, I don't really have dance music, so...on came the Hindi music and then the girls were did they learn that? It was great except for the flu I was experiencing, and Betty was catching. That is a drag but...we carry on. Here are some pictures of the Gumba and my Ani.  Well, the pictures won't upload,  well I managed one.

I started my english classes once we were back at the Gumba from India, and that was really fun. I had three classes a day, one at 7:00 am between teh morning pujas. One at 4:00 and another at 5:00. As they usually started late and the 5:00 went into dinner time, we often held that class in one of the girls rooms. It was an advanced class and the emphasis was on speaking. I am not sure I could have gone on for a full month with out some better idea of what to do, however, the lessons in teaching I was supposed to receive at the start never materialized. was fun and I am very glad I was able to have that experience, and that I was able to get to know some of these really wonderful young people.

Oh...and by the way, Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Hi Mary! Wonderful to finally read your blog-- what adventures-- and what a super photo in DOWN from the Gumba. Very different world from here in Vermont where we have about 18 inches or more of snow.

Bob and I head to LA to Byron Katie 5 days the day after Xmas. Hope you and Betty will be flue-less soon --have a WONDERFUL New Year!!! And thanks for Blogging!