Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Korean Food

Just a short update from an internet cafe, so no pictures. First day with VIN sightseeing, gorgeous, and Nepali lessons. I learned to say many things that I have already forgotten. Then off with a fellow volunteer to meet her friend who owns a Thanka shop. Here it comes again; breathtaking thankas of incredible mandalas. We invited her to come to dinner with us and she took us to a rooftop Korean restaurant that could have been in New York. Food was great, for all you Hawaiians, had some fried kim chee and rice...oh I am a happy girl. And now, back to the hotel, more language tomorrow, I have even more I need to forget, and then the visit to another monastery where they are installing a new Lama. That should be very interesting! All is good here, Betty went off to her monastery, Friday I go to mine. Incredible!


sister posetta stone said...

someday I will have to sing you what I learned to be the Nepalese national anthem. I learned it when I stayed in the only rooftop accomodations at the hotel in Kathmandu in 1979. I had no curtains on my room and an outside shower (it was June) so I guess I was an unwitting exhibitionist. THe anthem I heard was a sort of gutteral clearing of the lungs, due to excessive hash from the night before, then a hawking over the side of the roof to the unwitting strollers below. If you catch a wet one, its probably not a bird and listen for the aforementioned anthem and duck under an awning!!

caiote said...

Doesn't it feel so much like "home" being in Asia and just running into Korean restaurants with Kim Chee and all the other things that are so normally overlooked about how growing up Hawaiian is having to do with Asia. I love it. I'm loving your trip. Keep regular, keep smiling. Love, Willy F

Unknown said...

YUMMY ... kim chee ... hee hee, one akamai wahine is is yous da kine, i like one bite, my tummy stay grumbling like one lawnmowa ... ono licious da kim chee ... i stay all ni'ele in your beezwax hunnabutta life ladat ... dis so much fun !!!

Yogini C said...

mary girl - so great to follow you on your adventure - thanks for the opportunity. look forward to experiencing that flight into kathmandu some day with jude - how is the air? i imagine it to be so fresh, so clean - (once out of kathmandu ;) ~) - i love to think of you there in snow leopard country surrounded by prayer flags beating in the wind and people living life authentically - i just hope someone has warned those nuns...

CK said...

Mary! What a great way to keep in touch with you! Wish I was in Nepal with you - an amazing adventure. CK